...A museum of colour photographs
of carnivorous plants.
The Howard Phillips Lowencraft Foundation, Providence RI
The Sarracenia Club, Austin TX
The Richard Tanner Trust, Jarek AZ
The William Ashbless Society, Monterey CA
The Maxwell L. and Joyce R. Dodgson Foundation, Charleston SC
BAR-EMS Resort Housing, Inc. provided accommodations for The Artist.
Our Century Club and other prominent officers are of course, recognized.
A donor who wishes to be recognized only as LX was vastly instrumental.
Galleria Carnivora is a privately owned institution that
fosters the art and appreciation of fine carnivorous plant photography.
It is our intention to provide the finest in this field of artistry to you,
the discriminating audience, for electronic savouring.
Galleria Carnivora is not alone in its aesthetic inclinations,
for we are heavily funded by a number of sources. In other words, we have
money coming out of our bum. Some of our more
prestigious funders are noted above.
October 2007