Q: Where can I buy carnivorous plants?
Pinguicula jaumavensis
Drosera indica
Utricularia prehensilis
A: Dedicated carnivorous plant nurseries are the best places to buy
carnivorous plants, especially for the beginner or beginning-intermediate grower that is not too
picky about looking for impossible-to-find species. Purchases can also be made via eBay, although
I suggest you be cautious in such purchases.
So for the first 11 versions of the FAQ, I included lists of carnivorous plant nurseries. I intended it to be a listing of bona fide nurseries
that I knew were not involved in illegal activity, or field collection. I used to require all the nurseries who wanted to be listed, to promise
me the following:
But I discovered, on numerous occasions, that some nursery proprietors (prepare yourself for the shock)....LIED to me!
So, after a lot of thought on this, I've decided to strip essentially all the information I have about vendors off this site.
Instead, I'm going to include a highly subjective list of just a few sites to get you started.
By cutting out everyone else, despite the fact that most are reliable, I don't have to worry about people wondering why I'm not keeping them
on the list.
If you are a proprietor of CPs, and you see I have removed you from the page, try not to take it personally. Some of the folks I removed I know
quite well, and see regularly at various carnivorous plant events. This page just became unmanageable as it was.
Best Carnivorous Plants (Czech Republic)
WWW: http://www.bestcarnivorousplants.com
Borneo Exotics (Sri Lanka)
WWW: http://www.borneoexotics.com
California Carnivores (USA)
Cascade Carnivores (USA)
Cooks Carnivorous Plants (USA)
Exotica Plants/Andrea and Geoff Mansell (Australia)
Meadowview Biological Research Station (USA)
The Nepenthes Nursery/Andreas Wistuba (Germany)
WWW: http://www.wistuba.com
PetFlytrap (Texas, USA)
Predatory Plants (USA)
WWW: http://www.predatoryplants.com
Sarracenia Northwest Carnivorous Plants (USA)
WWW: http://www.cobraplant.com
Shropshire Sarracenias (UK)
WWW: http://www.carnivorousplants.uk.com
Triffid Nurseries (UK)
WWW: http://www.triffidnurseries.co.uk/
Triffid Park (Australia)
WWW: http://www.triffidpark.com.au
Page citations: reader contributions