General Questions
Here they are...the introductory level questions to tell you
what carnivorous plants are, what they do, and how you can
prevent falling prey to them yourself! Read and learn.

Nepenthes ×morganiana

Drosera hamiltonii


Pinguicula debbertiana

Sarracenia alata
Do you see the little blue arrows at the bottom? You can use them to navigate one page at a time, or the menu bar at the top to travel from section to section.
- How do I use the FAQ to get my answers?
- "Pictures! Show me pictures!"
- What is a "carnivorous plant?"
- What do you mean by "adaptations to capture prey?" (attribute #1)
- What do you mean by "digestive mechanisms?" (attribute #2)
- What do you mean by "absorption pathways?" (attribute #3)
- What makes carnivorous plants different from other plants?
- Are carnivorous plants autotrophic or heterotrophic?
- How many carnivorous plants exist?
- What is the biggest, most amazing carnivorous plant?
- Should we be afraid of carnivorous plants?
- What do carnivorous plants eat?
- What nutrients are carnivorous plants looking for?
- How do carnivorous plants digest their prey?
- What digestive acids do they make, and are they dangerous?
- Do you have any suggestions for my science project?
- How can plants move? Are they really animals?
- Exactly how do these plants capture prey? Answer #1--pitfall traps
- Exactly how do these plants capture prey? Answer #2--sticky traps
- Exactly how do these plants capture prey? Answer #3--lobster pot traps
- Exactly how do these plants capture prey? Answer #4--suction traps
- Exactly how do these plants capture prey? Answer #5--snap traps
- Sleazy cheapy animation!
- What movies (etc.) have references to carnivorous plants?
- Why do you use weird Latin plant names in the FAQ?
- What are the best books on carnivorous plants?
- Are there carnivorous plant societies I can join?
- What is the life cycle for carnivorous plants?
- How do carnivorous plants reproduce?
- Should I buy carnivorous plants from eBay?
- Do carnivorous plants have pharmacological (medicinal) properties?
- Do carnivorous plants have ethnobotanical uses?
- Will carnivorous plants control my bug populations?
- Are there any vegetarian carnivorous plants?
- Tell me about animals that live inside carnivorous plants!
- Ending Comments: General Questions on Carnivorous Plants