The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

By the Mountains of Madness

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A hybrid clump:
Look at all the Drosera ×obovata here! There is, incidentally, an interesting nomenclatural oddity that I recently learned about, and it was in the context of Drosera anglica and Drosera ×obovata. Here it is...

Apparently, if you believe that Drosera anglica originated via hybridization between D. rotundifolia and D. linearis, you could think of the species Drosera anglica as a hybrid swarm. And therefore, back crosses between Drosera anglica and Drosera rotundifolia should just be considered that--back crosses. And since back crosses are not given separate names, Drosera anglica and Drosera ×obovata are synonymous.

Explained in another way,
Drosera anglica = D. (rotundifolia × linearis)
Drosera ×obovata = D. (rotundifolia × linearis) × rotundifolia

Notice that the second plant above is just a back cross? So the two plants should be just be considered Drosera anglica. This is weird for me, and it just doesn't seem to make sense on a gut level. The two entities behave very differently reproductively and have a different morphology--the ancient origin of Drosera anglica shouldn't seem to matter in separating the modern-day two taxa. Ah well, nomenclature (or perhaps my understanding of it) is forever incomplete.

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Revised: October 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005