The Third Floor Loft Space:
Travelling Exhibitions and
Temporary Collections
Burbidge West: Nepenthes
Referred to the world over as the "gateway to the Nepenthes Room", this portion of
Galleria Carnivora is fittingly named after that great
explorer who discovered and catalogued so many marvelous plants. Enjoy your stay in
the hereafter, Mr. F.W. Burbidge, no doubt you are trodding through the misty hills of a heavenly Kinabalu even now!
N. alata
N. alata
N. albomarginata
Pitcher portrait
N. albomarginata
N. ampullaria
Vertical view
N. ampullaria
Pitcher cluster
N. ampullaria
Several pitchers
N. ampullaria
Pitcher tube
N. ampullaria
Red pitcher
N. ampullaria
More red
N. ampullaria
Pitcher opening
N. ampullaria
N. ampullaria
Two pitchers
N. aristolochioides
Baby pitcher
N. aristolochioides
Mature pitcher
N. bellii
Small plant
N. bicalcarata
N. bicalcarata
Thorned plant
N. burbidgeae
Spotted pitcher
N. campanulata
Baby plant
N. clipeata
Pitcher portrait
N. clipeata
Close view
N. eymae
Lid features
N. eymae
N. fusca
Small plant
August 2010